court marriage in rohtak

court marriage in rohtak COURT MARRIAGE IN ROHTAK Court Marriage in Rohtak in one day- Legally Valid the age of a boy should be 21+ and that of a girl 18+. Total two witnesses who can be from any side and can be friends, parents, neighbors, or relatives. court marriage in rohtak The whole process will be done from Rohtak. The whole process takes 2-3 hours. Boy and girl should be Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, or Jains either by birth or converted. Choose any day from Monday to Friday provided no public holiday should be on that day. Boy, girl and witnesses can be from anywhere India or foreigners. In the case of foreign nationals, our fee is extra. No notice or information is sent to the boy’s or girl’s address. Certificates are issued on the same day and full proof of marriage is Legally Valid and can not be challenged Are you of them who is planning to get married soon in Rohtak? If yes, then you are at a right place. We, bet...